Kappa (Maravall Kizhangu: Tamil, tapioca English) - 1 kg
Green pepper - 2 n
Turmeric powder - 1 / 2 c. tea
Garlic - 5 No.
Mustard seeds - 1 / 4 c. tea
The tamarind water (not to extract. 10 g tamarind dissolved in one cup water)
Curry leaves
Salt to taste
Take a green chilli and grind to paste.
Loosen the tamarind paste and salt in water and add 1 / 4 c. tsp turmeric powder.
Peel Tapioca (Kappa) and boil them in this mixture (if you want to use soft-kappa stove).
Disseminate cut after firing on a plate and into pieces.
Heat oil in a pan, mustard oil and leave it to misfire.
Now the pieces of kappa and fry 5 minutes.
Garnish with curry leaves.
Serve with fish curry.
You can cook it in water, without any mixture Kappa.
Add pepper to flavor.
How unique this recipe Kappa?
We are cooking in a mixture of chilli, tamarind, turmeric and salt. This mix has overall Kappa Kappa and everything will taste good.