Beet Urad Dosa

Bedding is chopped and ground into a paste before the dough urad dal. Urad dal urad dal dough with flour and rice. Beet pulp processed dosa dosa thinly and cooked until crispy. Serve with beet chutney or dosa with coconut chutney or sambar of your choice.
Power: 10 dosas Urad bed.


Half-size bed
Urad Dal 1 / 2 cup
1 cup rice flour
2-3 green Chiles
1 tsp cumin tea
Few coriander leaves
Salt to taste
Oil as needed


Soak urad dal in water for about 3 hours.
Urad dal update the fresh water and grind into fine paste adding enough water.
Urad dal to remove the dish, the rice flour and salt.
Mix everything well and keep covered in a dark place for 6 to 8 hours.

Wash and finely chop the cilantro.
Remove peel, wash the ends, and chop the beets.
Remove stems, wash and finely chop green chillies.
Grind chopped beets, peppers and salt in the dough with a grinder.
Stir the paste are fermented dosa with beet soil mixture and set aside.

Heat a flat on medium - high heat.
Pour a ladle full of dosa batter and spread with the back of the turnip pan in a circular motion in thin dosa.
Dosa layer of chopped coriander and cumin.
Pour a few drops of oil around the dosa and fry until golden brown.
Turn the dosa roast on the other hand, for a few seconds and gently remove the dosa heat.
Repeat the same for the remaining batter dosa dosa more sugar.
Also covered the dosa batter store in the refrigerator for a few days if necessary.
Serve with beet chutney or dosa with coconut chutney or sambar of your choice.
Note: Make sure that the dosa is cooked on the other side remains sharper for it thin.

Suggestions: Make sure to provide the consistency of the dough with water to thin dosa dosa.
Variations: You can also layer of finely chopped onion on dosa with coriander. Check out the other dosa recipes here.
Other names: Beets Urad Dosa.

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